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Campingen öppnades från 01 January till 31 December
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Wrights Bay Bush Camping Campground

5275, Mount Benson
South Australia, Australien

This camp is part of privately owned land with many campsites some sheltered from the elements by scrub and dunes.
Gravel road leads towards beach with camp access to the right at the end of the road. Friendly and helpful caretaker on site. Approx. $4 per person per night. Dogs allowed. Long drop toilets. Limited water.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Turn onto Wright Road approx 17kms north of Robe along the Southern Ports Highway. Wrights Bay Bush Camping is on the left at then end of the road.

Kännetecken för plats

Simma in naturligt vatten


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