CAUTION! Avoid going through downtown Boyertown! The roads are very narrow and there’s not quite enough room for two big vehicles to pass. The accessories to this site isn’t bad. It’s a good size lot too. Quite level. We didn’t need any leveling blocks and the camper is about as level as I’ve ever gotten it. There are a lot of permanent campsites here. I doubt some of these “campers” have moved in years. So far it’s rather quiet. Quite nice.
6 dagar sedan
Mary J
Quiet woody campground. We stayed 2 night midweek. We don't have kids,, so we did not take advantage of the park's planned activities and amenities. Stayed here so we could visit where Washington crossed the Delaware. Enjoyed a lovely dinner at The Washington Crossing Inn. Beautiful drives up and down the Delaware to see how the other half lives! Cute (not tacky) shopping area nearby called Peddler's Village.
6 dagar sedan
Big arrival area, check in was straightforward and the office/store is more stocked that other campgrounds I've been to. Some of the sites are kind of unlevel, hard to really tell where the lines are drawn, and the permanent residents have HUGE areas they have taken over while site 85 in particular was on a crooked corner at an intersection, so all I heard were diesel trucks and golf carts in the morning as people went off to work. The pool is big and nice, but there are MANY kids, so I was unable to stay very long due to the crowded area and horseplay. When the water went out to the whole campground it put the cherry on top of my stay.