"How can I help you?" she asked, with a smile I'll note. "My name's Nathan, I had a reservation for tonight." "Hmm, Nathan, Nathan..." she shuffles through some papers and then looks on her computer screen. "Yeah, here you are. What can I do for you?" "Just wanted to check on in." She looks at me with a puzzled smirk. "Well, they don't have to be out of there site until noon." It was only 10am. Kind of early to show up, I admit, but I was just coming from nearby Guadalupe Mountains National Park and we were only staying in town after our van was acting funky the day before and wanted to have everything checked out. On the other hand, there were tons of open spots, and I wasn't sure why we needed to wait for any one in particular. "Let me finish up here," she continued, "then I'll go back there and see if your site is ready." I nodded and said thank you, and walked back outside. From the vista that was the driver side seat of my van I could see, indeed, that many spots were ready for us to pull in and set up for one night. Daylight was burning, and I had a long list of things to do in Carlsbad before we got out of that town as quickly as possible on our way West to much better, not particularly bigger, places. I waited about 25 minutes. I don't like to bother people, especially when they have the ability to tell me to leave and I need a campsite for the night. She comes out of the office. She gets in a golf cart and drives to the back where all of the sites are. She returns a few minutes later, so I hop out of my van and follow her in. She's chatting with a full-time resident about payments or something. When she's done, I approach. "Any luck?" "What are you looking to get lucky about?" she asks. "Just hoping we could get into our spot so I could get some stuff taken care of, I've got some van--" she's not interested, I stop talking. "Yeah I still have some more to do up here then I'll go and check." I return to the van. At this point my kids and dog are all being pretty loud playing at the playground, the dog is barking because she neither wants to sit in the van with me nor be leashed up at the playground. I mention this because, well, it would be hard to miss us, all of that noise, the 31' Airstream blocking up the entrance. I'm getting frustrated. I know that if I go in and ask again, and she can't take the two minutes to look around the corner and tell us to go park somewhere, that I'll probably lose it and we'll end up needing to find somewhere else, somewhere even worse, than this place. So my lady goes in and talks to her. Upon returning, she informs me, "Apparently she," referring to the woman at the front desk, "didn't know we were waiting..." Baffled, I could suddenly care less, I just want to get into our spot. I go inside, pay, nothing extra for the population of 6 we've got (which is very nice), and she tells me she'll be out to lead me to our site, KOA-style. Ten minutes later, no golf cart for her to lead me in, she comes out and I assure her I can follow the map and park in the pull through. This is the experience which sets the entire tone for my day. I end up hating Carlsbad, the garbage everywhere, the teenagers driving around in SUVs yelling homophobic slurs out the window at an old man as he crosses the street slightly too slowly for their liking. The Ford dealership that ripped me off and left me with few other options but to sign a credit card receipt in exchange for my keys. When I finally make it back to the park that night, it's quiet. The main road is right there, but the noise isn't too much. Our site is decent, for an "RV parking lot", gravel but groomed, and there's no trash in the park itself. It seems like many of the RVs are permanent residents, but no one is loud or weird or creepy. I wouldn't have cared if they were, but perhaps others will find that information useful. There's a game room with video games that actually work, a nice pool table. The wifi works just okay if you're near the office, and not at all from our spot in B1. My lady's phone, an iPhone 4 that doesn't have access I guess to LTE, works really well, but our MyFi and my iPhone 6 on LTE was registering 3 bars but more or less not working at all. A vortex of ethereal and abstract nature, you ask? Yes, yes I do think so. In the long run, this is a pretty standard, if not better than average RV park, and the staff was nice enough if a bit thick with that whole checkin process. I won't blame them for the rest of Carlsbad, and I have only myself to blame for not figuring out a better plan than a private RV park, but alas, I cannot for the life of me imagine a reason I'll ever come back to this corner of New Mexico, other than to pass through with little more than a wave goodbye.
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