per nacht
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
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Trig Campground

5204, Deep Creek
South Australia, Australië

This is a large, flat and well grassed campground with plenty of open space.
The openess and low vegetation surrounding this campsite makes it a bit less desirable in windy weather as there is not a lot of shelter provided. The tidy showers and toilet blocks are set among black boy (grass) trees and the campsites are well defined. They are separated by a large grass common area which would be a great spot for the kids to burn off some energy.
This campsite is in Deep Creek Conservation Reserve The largest remaining area of untouched wilderness on the Fleurieu Peninsula, Deep Creek Conservation Reserve is home to a wide variety of native wildlife. More Information...

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
Trig Campground is on Tent Rock Road, via Dog Trap Road in Deep Creek Conservation Reserve. It is about 11km south from Delamere and 110km south west of Adelaide.

Eigenschappen camping



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