per nacht
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
Deze camping kan alleen via de telefoon gereserveerd worden. 406-844-0572
Deze camping is nog niet door Spottocamp geverifieerd. Bent u de eigenaar van deze camping? Klik dan op de knop hieronder.

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4.5 / 5 (7 stemmen )

Rollins Restaurant & RV Park

23711 Hwy 93 South
59931, Rollins
Verenigde Staten

Rollins Restaurant & RV Park is een camping met 43 plaatsen in Rollins, Verenigde Staten. Rollins Restaurant & RV Park heeft wifi, een campingwinkel en een restaurant. Honden zijn toegestaan op deze camping. Naast kamperen is het mogelijk om een trekkershut te huren. Er zijn verschillende recreationele activiteiten op de camping. Er is een speeltuin.

Voor het wassen van kleding zijn drogers beschikbaar.

Eigenschappen camping






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Lance Weimann
Engels (VS)
Our vehicle experienced a tire burst late Sunday evening near this camping site. The personnel were incredibly amicable and assisted us in securing a spot. They were also extremely kind in aiding us beyond their working hours and allowed us to fix our issue!
1 jaar geleden

Engels (VS)
We stayed at Rollins Restaurant and RV Park for two nights traveling between Glacier and Missoula. We didn't know there was so much to do on Flathead Lake. Would definitely stay longer next time. This is a nice little RV park with lots of pine trees, wide sites, and a great little restaurant / ice cream shop. There isn't a pool, but they have a spot across the road where you can picnic, swim or launch a boat. You need to drive there as the highway is very busy. We didn't mind the traffic noise, however, being near the top of the hill. Nice little laundry facility and rec room. Great customer service.
3 jaren geleden

Engels (VS)
Rollins RV Park 23711 US Hwy 93 Rollins, MT 406-844-0572 59.00/ night w/o GS discount 57.35/ night with discount and tax Site 28 Nicely spaced sites with grass between level gravel sites. Site was not long enough to park car in front- had to park next to RV. Friendly staff led us to the site. We rented a boat from them for a day on Flathead lake and saw deer and horses on Wild Horse Island. Didn’t use rec center or bath house, but watched people in the big field having fun. Playground, no pool. Breakfast was good at the restaurant. WiFi antenna was at site, so signal was good.
3 jaren geleden

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