per nacht
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
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Newnes Campground

2790, Newnes
New South Wales, Australië

Large open campground surrounded by native bush, by the Wolgan River.
This is a great family campground (and is quite popular with them at times). The camping area is very open and grassy, so makes a great spots for the kids to play. There are plenty of tracks off into the bush if you want to explore nature (watch out for wombat holes). There are fire rings and long drop toilets but apart from that you will need to bring everything else. Water from the creek should be boiled before use. The relics from the oil shale mining operation are interesting to explore.

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
In most conditions, you can get a 2wd vehicle in here, however if there has been a bit of rain, 4wd is recommended.

Eigenschappen camping

Zwemmen in natuurlijke bron


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English (Australia)
Hey guys! I'm planning on coming to Newnes for the long weekend in June. Is it likely to be full with nowhere to stay? I'm just one car with a swag and my boyfriend but don't want to show up and be looking all day for a spot because it's full. Thank You!
3 jaren geleden

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