Prijs niet beschikbaar
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
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5 / 5 (5 stemmen )

Kendalls (B) Campground

3712, Rubicon
Victoria, Australië

Level and shady campground alongside the Rubicon River in Rubicon State Forest.
There are only basic facilities here, however it is quite a pleasant campground. It gets popular in the warmer weather (being only a couple of hours drive north east from Melbourne). The road in is unsealed, but you shouldn't have a problem getting a caravan in. The camping area is pretty level and there are some shady spots as well as spots for those with solar panels. There is a short walking track beteen Kendalls A and B Campgrounds which is well worth the stroll to see the native forest. Fishing The Rubicon River (a bubbling brook at this point) flows down in to the Goulbourn River and is a popular trout fishing spot. It can be quite productive at times. Check with Victorian Fisheries for season and licencing requirements

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
On Rubicon Road, in Rubicon State Forest.

Eigenschappen camping

Zwemmen in natuurlijke bron


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