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Campeggio aperto da 01 January a 31 December
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Latrobe River Campground

3833, Gentle Annie
Victoria, Australia

A new camp ground established on a forested hillside well above the Latrobe River.
Past the picnic area (1 shelter, BBQ, 4 benches) a gravelled circuit drive leads to 3 dispersed cul-de-sac clearings and a parking area. All sites are well shaded by very tall Narrow-leaved Peppermint and Mountain Ash with thick undergrowth and secluded by thick bush, but all slope. Rated 4.2/5 A short walking track leads down to the bubbling Latrobe River.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
From Yarra Junction: South east 32k on the Yarra Junction - Noojee Rd [C425] left (east) 300m down the Ada River Rd (gravel, unsignposted), left (north) 200m on an unsignposted graveled access road.

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