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Acampamento aberto a partir de 01 January até 31 December
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Talia Caves Campground

5670, Talia
South Australia, Austrália

Basic bush camping on the edge of stunning limestone cliffs.
Talia Beach is just to the south of the campground, however be careful as strong rips can be present, and this area is known for large waves. There is good rock fishing here too, however, due to the big waves often here, it can be hazardous. Take care around the edges of cliffs as they can be crumbly. Remember to set aside some time for exploring, and bring your camera. The cave formations are absolutely stunning.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Access to the campground is on Talia Caves Road (signposted off the Flinders Highway.

Características do local

Nadar em água natural
Montar um cavalo


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