UPDATE: 09/10/2022 The campground has been improving it's sites and now has a small cafe that serves decent burgers and fries. If you like riding bikes, the main roads in the area have very wide shoulders and there are bike trails that are worth the effort. Due to COVID, supply chain issues, and labor issues, the Divine Swine has shut down. Everyone in the area is heartbroken and for good reason. That was the best BBQ north of the Mason Dixon line and better than most below it. VERIZON, on the other hand, like much of the north east that we've visited this year, is basically not usable during the day for streaming. Here in F loop, we get about 1 or 2 MB download speeds during the day, and 4+ during the evening/night. My data account is a true unlimited and I have a really good 4g router, so throttling only comes in if there is congestion and it gets more bars than my iPhone (which is also slow). Since after midnight it's still way slower than it used to be, I can only conclude that Verizon is either not maintaining their towers or not attempting meet base 4g demand in the north east. Since everyone is advertising moving to 5g, I suspect 4g is going to be allowed to wither on the vine in short order (which makes no sense in areas where you can't put hundreds of antennas). Just more reasons to not allow a few large corps to control an industry without specific requirements on performance. We're moving to FL soon, and if this is happening down there, I'll reduce my 3 cell plans to 1 plan with talk/text/25GB data and then have more than enough to to pay for cable TV/internet or Starlink. Original Post ---------------------------------- I admit, I love Thousand Trails. PA Dutch Country is a few miles further out from Hershey and near the turnpike. It's also near a rifle range, so if you're in B loop or part of C, you might not appreciate it. Thankfully the gunshots go away at some point in the evening. In F loop, the gunshots are not as noticeable. F loop is also recently renovated and set up with full hookup 50 amp service, fairly level gravel pads, and big rig capable. Firewood is a bit pricey, and the store is shut down from COVID but the pool and most of the facilities seem to be open. There are plenty of people in the area that sell firewood at a better price, so that's not a huge issue. Cell service is pretty good as it's located quite close to the turnpike. Every few days the Roku will pause with Verizon. I have a new, rather inexpensive Verizion hotspot so I'm not sure if it's Verizon or the cheap hotspot. Not much in way of traffic noise and we've been sleeping with our windows open without issue (except for the occasional thoughtless neighbor. Laundry facilities are, for the most part, working well. Water pressure is decent, and have had not issues with electric. Of course, it's September, so the high has been in the mid 70's (or lower) for most days. The Divine Swine is just down the road and if you like BBQ, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.
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