per nacht
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
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Kilallea State Park Campground

2529, Shell Cove
New South Wales, Australië

Close quarters camping, a short walk from the beach, with hot showers.
This is a actually quite an expensive place to camp, at $30 per head, but the hot showers make up for it. There is a camp kitchen, and barbecue as well as individual fire pits for each campsite. There are about 30 odd sites and they are level and grassy, but without a lot of shade. Sites are allocated when you book, and they are matched to your circumstances (how many people etc). There are no powered sites. The campsites are very close to each other and separated by large logs, which do nothing for privacy, but would give the kids something to practice balancing on. It is a short walk south to Mystic Beach, which you can follow for about a mile further south to the entrance to Minnamurra River. Take the fishing rod on this walk. A bit of a further walk to the north takes you to "The Farm" beach which has better surf. I would choose this campground if I was in need of a few amenities (hot shower and refill the water tanks) after being bush for a while, however it might suit city slickers looking to get near the beach and try out the new family tent.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
At the end of Kilalea Access Road in Kilalea State Park

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