per nacht
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
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4 / 5 (2 stemmen )

Kiata Campground

3418, Little Desert
Victoria, Australië

A large grassed campground in Little Desert National Park set among Mallee
There are picnic tables and Bush camping is also permitted in the Central and Western Blocks of the park. There are marked walks from the campground, with brochures available from the information stand. Thanks to Peter for the following additions and directions Best from late winter to early summer when wildflowers abound. Can be hot and dry over summer. Rated 4.3/5
This campsite is in Little Desert National Park Wildflowers, diverse vegetation types and deep sandy soils. More Information...

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
Access from Dimboola: North-west 26k on the Western Hwy [A8] almost to Kiata village, left (south) 7k on the Kiata South Rd, left (south and east) 4k on a signposted gravel road to its end.

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