Abbiamo trovato per voi 167 campeggi in Vittoria. Utilizzate i filtri o il campo di ricerca per trovare il vostro campeggio preferito.
Abbiamo trovato per voi 167 campeggi in Vittoria. Utilizzate i filtri o il campo di ricerca per trovare il vostro campeggio preferito.
Ararat , Vittoria
A disappointing (but popular) camp consisting of a large grassed area by an attractive lake with very limited shade. Backed by flat, open farmland with some traffic noise from the highway. The ambiance may improve as recently planted shrubs grow. Maintenance is good.
Mumbannar , Vittoria
Situated on a flat plain near stunning views overlooking the winding gorge of the wide and deep lower Glenelg River. Camp area located in a bush setting, most sites grassed, well separated and screened by scrub. Most share a tap and BBQ.
Laanecoorie , Vittoria
Riverfront camping on extended grassed tiered flats, overlooking the reasonably large London River. Some sites shaded by River Red Gums and a few exotics. Local fishing and swimming reserve. Facilities include WC block, 4 benches, bins, 4 way power outlet but no formal BBQ.
Hattah , Vittoria
Tranquil, pleasant lakeside camping shaded by scattered River Red Gums and some Black Box. A large, open semi-dispersed site backed by red sand hills to the west, which can provide shelter if required. Facilities include 2 WC, 18 tables & BBQs, firewood & water limited. Rate 4.
Stuart Mill , Vittoria
A popular, pleasant lakeside camping area surrounded by rough, forested hills. Fireplaces and tables (9) are scattered but may have to be shared at peak periods. Thin shade from Yellow and Grey Box to most sites. Most sites slope. Rated 4.
, Vittoria
It appears camping may not be officially allowed at this site. Note: This is not considered an official campsite, one visitor has noted. . . The campsite described above is in a Nature Conservation Reserve managed by Parks Victoria. The information provided above is misleading.
Morrisons , Vittoria
Large free caravan accessible camping along side a creekThe sites are large, grassy and level and suitable for big rigs. Plenty of shady sites or areas with more sun if you need to charge the solar.
Lake Bolac , Vittoria
MacArthur , Vittoria
Pleasant, level, grassed and shaded sites just below the scoria slopes of Mt Eccles. Originally named Mt Eeles by Major Mitchell. Sites vary in size, are semi-dispersed over a large area of bush, most share the 10 BBQs and taps, 2 toilet blocks (1 with hot showers).
Mount Franklin , Vittoria
An unusual site, being located inside a volcano crater. The pine tree covered crater rim provides good wind protection. A range of mainly exotic trees provide ample shade and, together with short green grass, a park-like atmosphere. Bird life is limited.
Glenalbyn , Vittoria
A spacious reserve backed by the steep granite slopes of Mount Korong (364m). The small quiet picnic area (1 table) is level, grassed over granite with thin shade from a couple of large Yellow Gum and surrounded by wattle scrub. Rated 4.
Mitta Mitta , Vittoria
A very pleasant, green, quiet camp situated on a large extended level creekside flat. Short green grass (mown), some shade from willows, black wattles and gums. Located in a narrow mountain valley surrounded by steep sclerophyll forested slopes - mainly peppermint and white trunked Manna Gum.
Nug Nug , Vittoria
A large, level grassed reserve by the Nug Nug Wa Creek, shaded by large plane trees and other exotics. Bush camping over Creek. Controlled by a local committee who collects fees. Maintenance declines over winter (grass may be long). Tennis Courts. Cold sowers. Rated 3.
Werribee , Vittoria
An attractive, small, level site in a well forested gully by the bubbling upper Werribee River. Well shaded by Messmate and Peppermint, surrounded by forested rolling hills with little undergrowth. 2 BBQs and benches. Rated 4. 2/5 A convenient late night stop when escaping Melbourne.
Dargo , Vittoria
Gunbower , Vittoria
Gunbower Island is formed by Gunbower Creek, an anabranch of the Murray River, which begins at Torrumbarry and joins back into the Murray at Koondrook. Gunbower National Park and State Forest are located on Gunbower Island. Some campsites have tables and campfires.
Howqua Hills , Vittoria
Pleasant grassy river flats surrounded by the forested foothills of the alps. Level, very open, limited shade. Good gravel access tracks. Cattle mow grass. Poplars, Peppermint and Manna Gums shade some sites. Magpies, ducks, wombats are common. Good swimming hole.
Howqua Hills , Vittoria
Very pleasant camping in open woodland (Peppermint and Manna Gum) on level, grassed (cattle mown), large river flats surrounded by the forested foothills of the alps. Blackwoods and wattles by river. Good, gravel access tracks. Magpies, ducks, koala, wombat, kangaroo, possum and cattle are common.
Merrijig , Vittoria
Five zones (signed) dispersed over 4k of un-maintained but firm road. Most sites backed by farm paddocks. Generally small, grassed (short), signed creek side clearings within State Forest, facing steep forested hills Rated 3. 8/5.
Walpeup , Vittoria
Edi , Vittoria
This is a small roadside rest / camping area beside the King River near a town called Edi. Camping is free. It is also beside a secondary road, so there is slight traffic noise during the day and early evening. The site consists of 2 separate areas: #1: Suitable for caravans & big rigs.