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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Barbacoa permitida
Fogata permitida
2 / 5 (1 votar )

Teddington Resevoir Campground

3477, Stuart Mill
Victoria, Australia

A popular, pleasant lakeside camping area surrounded by rough, forested hills.
Fireplaces and tables (9) are scattered but may have to be shared at peak periods. Thin shade from Yellow and Grey Box to most sites. Most sites slope. Rated 4.1/5 Fishing,Brown Trout and Redfin, canoeing, bush walking, 4 wheel touring, gold mining relics, fossicking fishing. No swimming or power boating. BYO firewood. Plentiful bird life including rosellas and cockatoos. Backed by dry, open ironbark-box forest with shrubby understory and wildflowers. Thanks to Smokeydk for the following updates and photos Fire pits available... no water in Reservoir when we were there.....flushing toilets and only 1 tap for water... table

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
From St Arnaud: South 23k on the Sunrasia Hwy [B220] to Stuart Mill, right (south-west) 6k on the Teddington Rd (signposted) past the Lower Teddington Reservoir into the State Park, 600m gravel to camping area

Lugar características

Montar caballo


Instalación de Servicios
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

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