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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
Este camping sólo se puede reservar por teléfono. 575-586-0520
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4.5 / 5 (3 votos )

Fawn Lakes Campground

Highway 38
87558, Red River
Estados Unidos

Fawn Lakes Campground es un sitio de campo con 22 tonos en Red River, Estados Unidos. Perros son permitidos.

En Fawn Lakes Campground es posible acampar con un carpa de campaña.

Lugar características


Carpas de campaña


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Inglés (US)
We stayed right next to the creek. Flowing high and fast right now. Even so the kids had a ball playing in it. Clean camp ground. Traffic noise was a little loud during the day but didn’t notice at during the night.
2 años ace

Inglés (US)
So due to the fires in NM, the three Forest Service CG's on Hghy 38 just opened 7/1/22. Water is turned off but scheduled to be turned back on. There was a washout of the lakes a couple of years ago so there are no Fawn Lakes. But it is a nice spot along the Red River, especially #5 which is the biggest. It is along the highway so there is noise during the day but quiet at night. The river drowns out any noise.
2 años ace