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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
Este camping sólo se puede reservar por teléfono. 307.455.2466
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Double Cabin Campground

North Horsecreek Rd. (FR-285)
82513, Dubois
Estados Unidos

Double Cabin Campground es un sitio de campo con 14 tonos en Dubois, Estados Unidos. Perros son permitidos.

En Double Cabin Campground es posible acampar con un carpa de campaña.

Lugar características



Inglés (US)
25 mile drive over generally good forest service road with mostly rock obstacles and little washboarding. We drove the route in a standard campervan-slow but safe. Camping area is beautiful, with both campground sites and many nearby private bookdocking sites. A few empty horse trailers for backcountry riders, otherwise we were alone (mid-September).
2 años ace

Inglés (US)
The road out there is long, twisty and dusty. The campsite itself has a bunch of good sites and a bunch of very off camber bad sites. As of August 2022 water is not available. Down the road from the campsite is dispersed camping but the field is badly rutted and the cows are free range and you may wake up with cows rubbing on your rig. The views are amazing though. No views from the official campground though.
2 años ace