We have found 9 campsites in Latgale for you. Use the filters or the search field to find your favourite campsite.
We have found 9 campsites in Latgale for you. Use the filters or the search field to find your favourite campsite.
Rugaji , Latgale
Aglona , Latgale
I. Overnight in 12 comfortable cabins, of which 8 cabins have a room on the roof - attic. Shower, WC, mini kitchen, el. tea towels, soap. One cabin price for 2 people - 45. 00 EUR. II. Catering.
Skaista , Latgale
Cirma , Latgale
Udrisu pag. , Kraslavas nov. , Latgale
Dekšāres , Latgale
Skaista , Latgale