This is a georgeous park, arguably, one of the best in the TT system. Set under the gently swaying branches of an old date farm, it’s picturesque and relaxing, in spite of the interstate being only a block away. If you have a big rig and can’t get a pull through, expect to spend about 2 hours inching back and forth to squeeze your rig into one of the few, and exceptionally tight spots that can accommodate a trailer over 35 feet. Even if you make it, might not be able to pop your slides out without smacking into one of those beautiful trees. And the sites are so tightly packed you can lend your neighbor a cup of sugar, or a beer, or an oxygen tank by simply passing it through your window. Very convenient. Very tight even pulling down the street. I had to get the drone out and make it follow me so I could watch the rear end swing out and verify that it would not smash into a tree when I made a tight turn. It was close. But once you’re parked, it’s paradise. We had planned to stay two weeks, but only made it five days. I get that members who full time with families are a minority in the TT system. And that most members are, um, elderly. I read other reviews of this park, and saw what other families had to say about its lack of family friendliness and didn’t believe them. That is, until I experienced it for myself. How can I describe it? It’s pernicious. And it’s consistent among most of the staff, and the residents. Let me put it this way to you, if your children are under 18, you better not let them walk to the bathroom alone, unescorted. Because residents or a staff member are likely to assault them. If your children are over 18, they better be carrying photo ID proving they are your child, or they are likely to be removed from the property. I’m still shocked by my experience there. My 10 year old son, my oldest, was playing at the playground (the designated child off leash area, also conveniently located next to the dog run) a few sites down from where we were parked, unaccompanied by his parent and/or guardian. His parents and/or guardians were in the RV making dinner when he came running back, crying hysterically saying there was an angry man after him trying to hit him and followed him back to our site. My son is autistic and sometimes exaggerates things. I told him, “there’s no man trying to get you...” as I opened the door and low and behold, there was a man outside in our site pacing back and forth, completely red in the face wearing a TT STAFF UNIFORM yelling at me and my son that park rules specifically state children are not allowed to be anywhere onsite unaccompanied by their parent and/or guardian except within their own campsite and that family members over the age of 18 are required to keep ID on them at all times verifying their relation to a member! Well sure I yelled at the guy for threatening to hit my son, which he didn’t deny. We left the next morning. Later that day we received an official letter of reprimand via email from the park manager citing us for failure to properly supervise our child and that a future offense would result in termination of our membership. Was he spray painting walls? Keying cars? Bullying other kids? Slamming the door? Peeing with the seat down??? What??? Nope. Playing at the park unsupervised. Doing that gets your child threatened, chased back to your site in tears, and threat of having your membership revoked - which I’m not sure they can actually do... Don’t bring your kids here, you will regret it. So much more to say about our bad experiences here. Every day it was something else. This was the worst of it, but I think you get the gist. Completely ruined all that Palm Desert beauty. Wow. If you actually read to the end of this review, I think you deserve a medal.
3 days ago