So this is our first time here. we came from the north down the Natchez trace parkway so when you turn right you go under the low 11' bridge.. have to say our friends went couple days ahead and we measured him to be 10'8" to top of AC unit.. when he got to bridge he stopped and had wife creep truck up while on the ladder of RV looking at it all.. he was like there was another almost foot of clearance. Plus if you look on street view there is a "path" on the side that takes you down another 2ish feet. I suspect all but a large class A or really tall 5th wheel can make it under the bridge. the entrance and exit on left have some serious steep drop offs on the sides. be sure to not cut the corner at all. the roads around the resort are CRAP for the most part. they are paved but some large potholes (just put some fricken gravel in them dammmm) so be on high alert for them. We were in section or Phase 2, also known as B as all the site number have a B under them. there is a mix of W,E,S with many just W, E and the elec can be 30 or 50 amp.. (more 30 amp) . some of the sites look unusable for the most part.. (short, narrow, overgrown etc.) many of the sites by the lakes are taken by annuals. We did not see anything in phase 2 that looked open.. There are lots to do,, putt putt course, basketball, game room etc. and the lake. You can rent kayaks and a pontoon boat as well. i hear. there is a nice dog park area up toward the putt putt and 50 amp sites by the boat ramp area. packages,, the official policy is no..but if something come they will take it ,, there is a $2 per package charge. either to ranger /check in station or the trading post store to pickup. the trading post serves the usual stuff, hot dog, hamburgers, and has beer, some other stuff on shelves and some rv parts stuff, but NOTHING is priced.. SMH.. they do rent kayaks for $16.43 (with tax) for 4 hrs and $27.38 for day.. they are mostly double boats with one smaller single.. you sign up at ranger station and get stuff down by beach.. We brought out our own boat. The lake is nice you can go a long ways down river. the pontoon boat is out of service for repair all year. CELL SERVICE... We and friend both had good ATT service.. ( 29 m down ) he has verizon and with booster was ok.. t-mobile was nothing. (site 84B and 209B) on map there is no 84 its 82.. again SMH.. The bath houses are ok.. the one in section B down by the lake is older.. Up by the pool there are 4 nice new looking and the bath house out by the boat ramp was real nice. there are several play areas for kids and a swim beach by boat dock.. RECYCLING.. there is a recycling center in town.. 641 waynesboro hwy, hohenwald, tn 38462.. Lewis County Transfer Station its called.. Wish more would post recycling center near the TT they stay in.. We try,, try to do our part so you can help to do yours.. recycle when you can..
3 days ago