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Campingplads åbnet fra 01 January til 31 December
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Parolos Campground


Dispersed bush camping by the Ovens River just before its junction with the Murray River, the upper reaches of Lake Mulwala.
Surrounded by flood plain forest - dense immature River Red Gum with an understory of wattle. Low level banks with no beaches. Rated 4.3/5 Prolific bird life, including black swans. Convenient to the highway but with distant traffic noise.

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
Situated on the Ovens River between Yarrawonga and Rutherglen. Access from the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] on the eastern side of the Ovens Rv (Parolos) Bridge (24k west of Rutherglen, 22k east of Yarrawonga), north 0.2k on Williams Track, left 0.6k on Parolos Track (both well formed earth)

Karakteristiske campingpladser

Svøm i naturligt vand


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