Nightly rate listed reflects a weekly rate. The savings, like most RV parks is in staying monthly. It was only 100.00 more to stay two more weeks. They also have dry camping that is a huge savings with good amenities in the dry camping area: excellent washroom and showers, dish washing station, dump, potable water, RV/vehicle wash station, air pump. FOY is an experience, kinda like Pleasantville with all the amenities. This place has a lot going for it and is a unique experience in the RV park world. Here is a list of both pros and cons as we see it: PROS AMAZING AMENITIES: just about every activity that you can ask for and good equipment/facilities for it. While we were there we took advantage of the hiking group (two levels available), billiards, pickle ball, swimming daily (two pools), hot tubs (4, I think - might be missing one), farmers market on site, fitness club, shuffleboard, mahj game night, FOY's got talent night, craft fair, and an excellent blues band that performed to a full house. There are so many more things to do. There is no time to be bored. FRIENDLY PEOPLE: this goes for the staff and those who live or stay here. People wave. Conversations happen easily. Others are quick to help. It is easy to make friends and strike up good conversations. If community is a priority for you, then this would be a great place to consider as people return here year after year and many have bought homes here. WEATHER: perfectly sunny and warm every day. There were a couple of big wind days but otherwise you can pretty much count on good weather. ORGANIZED AND CLEAN: Staff and office, organization of events, everything is well run. Everything is well taken care of and kept clean. They also didn't scrimp on equipment. Excellent billiard tables, shuffleboard tables, tennis/pickeball courts. Best equipped fitness room that I've been in while RVing. SKI IN DIVE BAR IS CLOSE: The only thing worth checking out in the area is the Ski-In Dive Bar at Bombay Beach which is a 7 minute drive and rated one of the US's best dive bars. It's a riot and owned by a wonderful ol guy that we had a great down-to-earth, intelligent conversation with. If you like a place with character check this out. They make a great lemonade and apparently if you go on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, the chef is in house and the food is good. CONS LOCATION: One of the reasons that they need to have such great amenities is to keep people happy and not in need of travelling too far. There is nothing around here. Groceries, restaurants, good hiking (by our standards) are all mostly an hour or more away. (Other than the bar mentioned above). HIKING AND BIKING AREN'T CLOSE AT HAND: If you are like us and like to both road cycle and hike, the closest hiking is in Painted Rock Canyon about an hour away. Biking is essentially non-existent except for some riding around FOY village. I met a guy who is a mountain biker however and he liked what he could get to right from the resort grounds so you might have more options with bigger more tolerant wheels. Also a friend we met likes riding on the highway which is mostly quiet. SCENERY IS OKAY TO BLAH: This is not one of the prettiest areas of California or even for a desert landscape. There are mountains around which is nice but otherwise, it is mildly attractive at best. The RV sites are routine park sites with nothing adorning unless someone adds decor to their personal site.
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