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Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Willow Park - Rosedale Campground

3847, Rosedale
Victoria, Australia

A broad grassed (mown) river flat just off the highway with some shade trees (scattered willows and wattles) by the Latrobe River (polluted).
A large shelter contains open fireplaces but firewood is limited. A pleasant, large park but overlooked by the noisy Princes Hwy. Latrobe River contaminated with blue-green algae. Overnight stop. Rated 3.2/5

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Situated off the Princes Hwy [A1] 1k north of Rosedale by the Latrobe River. Access just north of the Latrobe Rv bridge.

Lugar características
