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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
Este camping aún no está validado por Spottocamp ¿Eres el propietario? Contactanos con el botón de abajo.

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Barbacoa permitida
Fogata permitida
3 / 5 (1 votar )

Turtons Creek Falls Campground

3960, Turtons Creek
Victoria, Australia

A very pleasant green grassed (slashed) creek flat in the steep gully of the bubbling Turtons Creek, below the falls.
Shaded by tall Mountain Ash Gums, blackwood and tree ferns. Regeneration plantings will improve shade and privacy. Surrounded by steep forested hills. A smaller, secluded site upstream of the main clearing has a table. Rated 4/4. Wrens are common. Lyrebirds and platypus may be seen.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
From Mirboo North: south-east 7k to Limonte, right (south) 6k through Mirboo, left (south-east) on Turtons Creek Rd for 8k (5k gravel).

Lugar características

Nadar en agua natural


Instalación de Servicios
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

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English (Australia)
Is closed and has been for quite some time. Don't know if Parks will re-open
2 años ace