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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Scubby Creek Rest Area Campground

2551, Narrabarba
New South Wales, Australia

Free overnight camping on the edge of the Princess Highway in a rest area.
Suitable for a quick overnight on the way through. The area is surprisingly pleasant, apart from the road noise. There is easy access for vans and a turn around area. There are wood fire places with swing over hot plates (bring your own wood), basic toilets and picnic tables.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
On the western side of the Princess Highway (on the north side of the small bridge over Scrubby Creek. Scrubby Creek Rest area is about is a few hundred metres of good quality dirt road to access the site. Scrubby Creek Rest area is about 22km south of Eden on the Princess Highway.

Lugar características

Montar caballo


Instalación de Servicios
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

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