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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Barbacoa permitida
3 / 5 (1 votar )

Forges Beach Campground

New South Wales, Australia

Dispersed camping on broad beaches by the Murray River, surrounded by flood plain forest - River Red Gums, billabongs and swamps.
Prolific bird life. Distant, background highway noise. Forges No 1 Beach is broad and large, partially grassed with WC, but open with little shade. Little Bruces Bend also has a large beach, BBQ and an informal boat ramp but is very open with little shade. Forges No 2 Beach (0.5k north off Forges Bend Track) is shaded by immature Red Gums over short grass - a pleasant bush camp.
This campsite is in Murray River Reserve The Murray River Reserves were set up to protect areas of cultural and natural assets along this stretch of the Murray More Information...

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
Situated on the Murray between Cobram and Yarrawonga. Access off the Murray Valley [B400] Hwy 7k west of Yarrawonga (0.5k before Bruces & Ryans Rd); East 1.4k on Forges Pump Lane (light gravel, signed dry weather only) through 2 gates to the entry grid, 200m after the track enters the forest there is a track junction. North 1.6k on Little Bruces Tk (rough) to Little Bruces Beach or east 1k (formed) to Forges Beaches.

Lugar características

Nadar en agua natural


Instalación de Servicios
Barbacoa permitida

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