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Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Cottontree Campground

3701, Granya
Victoria, Australia

A pleasant picnic/camping area in a small valley on the edge of the Mount Granya State Park.
Features a level, gravelled car park and large level mown lawn (an old dairy site). There is very little shade, although backed by open, dry sclerophyll Red Stringybark and Long-leaved Box forest. Recent plantings around the boundary may improve shade and privacy. The sole BBQ is on a small ridge some distance from level ground and surrounded by broken cement debris - gas stove cooking is encouraged. The small, intermittent, creek flows through a bullrush swamp. Rated 4/5 Nearby Granya Falls best in winter and spring. Mount Granya SP has steep, rocky slopes with open eucalyptus forest and shrubs. Wildflowers (and birds) in spring.

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
Situated east of Wodonga between the two arms of Lake Hume Access from Wodonga: East 55k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] to Bullioh, left (north) 14k on the Murray River Rd [C546] to Granya, left (west) 1.7k down Webbs Lane (gravel) to signposted short access track (may be rutted) on right.

Lugar características

Montar caballo


Instalación de Servicios
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

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