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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Clarkes Reserve Campground


A large reserve with a graveled circuit road following the river, around Clarks Lagoon, past grassed sites, most with Red Gum, Manna Gum and wattle shade.
Some sandy beaches. Grass is occasionally slashed, otherwise many potential sites may be overgrown. Secluded and distant from the road. Can be crowded over holiday periods.
This campsite is in Murray River Reserve The Murray River Reserves were set up to protect areas of cultural and natural assets along this stretch of the Murray More Information...

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
On the Murray River north of Corryong. Access from Wodonga: East 56k on the Murray Valley Hwy [B400], left (north) 105k on the Murray River Road [C546] (6k nor-west of Tintaldra). Signpost at entry gate. GPS Coordinates -36.023000, 147.915000

Lugar características
