Por noche
Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
{{r.momentInner(r.bookingFrom).locale(r.locale).format('D MMMM YYYY')}}
{{r.momentInner(r.bookingTill).locale(r.locale).format('D MMMM YYYY')}}

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Carpas de campaña
Auto caravanas
Cabañas de alquiler
Arena de playa
1.5 / 5 (5 votos )

Camping Mlaska

Mlaska 1
21469, Sućuraj, Otok Hvar

A ferryboat coming from Drvenik reaches Sućuraj in half an hour, and brings you to the fascinating island of Hvar.

Hvar was settled by the Greeks in the 4th century B.C. Its excellent location in the centre of the archipelago offers a wide variety of touristic activities, and it is only two hours car ride from Dubrovnik.

A bay with sandy beach and sunsets beyond comparison, a restaurant with Dalmatian and international cuisine and a campsite that you never want to leave again – that is the camp Mlaska on the eastern part of island of Hvar, near the ferry harbour of Sućuraj.

It is a modern auto camp (one half of it is fkk), completely adapted to suit all the needs of dynamic and modern tourist, in accordance with the highest European standards. It offers caravan site and bungalows with 5 beds, right by the beautiful Mediterranean sea.

The atmosphere in the camp is tranquil and welcoming. Guests are relaxing at the beach, in the small shop, or on the large terrace of therestaurant to savour a sundowner after an exquisite meal. In the evening a peaceful atmosphere pervades the camp, interrupted only by the rolling waves. Many guests who have once spent their holiday at Mlaska return again and again.

Why is that so? You will have to find the answer for yourself.


Lugar características

Patio de recreo
Nadar en agua natural
Arena de playa
Playa nudista
Cancha de voleibol
Alquiler de barcos
Rampa de botes

Carpas de campaña
Auto caravanas
Cabañas de alquiler
Bungalós móviles

Instalación de Servicios
Tienda de campismo
Pan en sitio
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

Lugar con sombra
Abierto todo el año
Coches permitidos en sitio de campismo

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