Por noche
Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 June hasta 01 October
{{r.momentInner(r.bookingFrom).locale(r.locale).format('D MMMM YYYY')}}
{{r.momentInner(r.bookingTill).locale(r.locale).format('D MMMM YYYY')}}

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Carpas de campaña
Auto caravanas
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Camping Izvor-Hostel Izvor

Smokovac bb
xxxx, Podgorica

Over a large area in the courtyard of the hostel, which is surrounded by rocky mountains and beautiful Moraca river, there is a place for an auto camp which is under a light during whole evening and secured for 24 hours, and which you can use to park your camp trailer, automobile, motorcycle, or just camp in tents. Using electricity, warm water showers, toilets, BBQ, Wi-Fi internet and other equipment for all individuals or groups are included in the price!

If you are fans of this kind of holiday, then our Auto Camp space is a perfect for you! You will enjoy the view of the crystal-clear Moraca river and the canyon!

By walking for just 3 minutes you can get down to the river to fish, swim, enjoy!

By walking for just 5 minute walk you can climb up rocks and try sport climbing

We are able to welcome 15 campers a day, at the same time !

The space is organized in a way that meets the needs of campers, and hostel staff will be at your service for any further information.

Also, as a part of the hostel, there is a restaurant where everyone who comes to car camping can have breakfast, lunch, dinner. Use of hostel facilities such as restaurant, tavern, cutlery, or utensils won’t require any additional payment. Right next to the Auto camp, there is a tavern of hostel Izvor where you can prepare meals of your choice by using our inventory.

Sleep tight in your trailers or tents next to the bank of Morača river, with a beautiful atmosphere and relaxing ambience.

Reservations are not required, but to be sure, book your place here.

P R I C E   L I S T

Price per person:                      
Adults: 5,00  €
Children 5-12 years old: 5,00 €
Children under 5: Free of charge
Tent: 2,5 €
Car: 3,00 €
Caravan: 5,00 €
Camper: 5,00 €
Motorcycle: 2,00 €
Bycycle: 1,00 €
Washing machine services: 2,00 €

Touris tax amounting 1,00 € is included in price.

Lugar características

Alquiler de bicicletas
Animación para niños
Nadar en agua natural
Piscina interior
Baño termal
Cancha de tenis
Mesa de ping-pong
Área de Minigolf
Campo de golf
Navegar / surfear

Carpas de campaña
Auto caravanas
Cabañas de alquiler
Bungalós móviles

Instalación de Servicios
Tienda de campismo

Lugar con sombra
Grupos de jóvenes

Tipo de camping
Campismo de Agricultor

Instalaciones de cambio de bebé
Cabinas de lavado
Sanitario de silla de ruedas
Secadoras de ropa

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