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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Big Billy Campground

3490, Big Desert
Victoria, Australia

Remote campground in Big Dessert Wilderness Park with drop toilets, picnic tables and fire pits.
The campground is mostly sand/dirt and has a little shade from the small trees throughout. It is surrounded by low mallee scrub, and has a great bush feel to it. The fire rings are great, with swing arms. You will need to bring your own firewood and observe any fire bans in place.

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
35 km south of Murrayville Rough dirt road, may be impassable in after rain.

Lugar características

Montar caballo


Instalación de Servicios
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

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