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Precio estimado Basado en 1 coche, 2 personas con una carpa, auto caravana o caravana.

Camping abierto de 01 January hasta 31 December
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Barbacoa permitida
Fogata permitida
3 / 5 (1 votar )

Baileys Rocks Campground

3312, Dergholm
Victoria, Australia

Very comfortable campground amongst the ancient and rare green granite rocks and eucalypts.
This campground is vety spacious and has well grassed tent sites and plenty of shade. The sites are well seperated from each other and there are built wood barbecues and picnic tables as well as composting toilets. Dogs are allowed in this campsite (must be kept on a lead at all times), however they are not permitted in other areas of the park. Walking There is a short (300m) circuit walk around Baileys Rocks, or a 5km return track along Rocky Creek. Thanks to Smokeydk for the following updates and photos His/Hers drop toilets with 1 rainwater tank..picnic tables everywhere and fire-pits too......WARNING DO NOT PARK UNDER TREES
This campsite is in Dergholm State Park Dergholm State Park, in western Victoria is most known for Baileys Rocks More Information...

We have no information available on what vehicles can access this campsite.

Getting there
Getting there

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Instalación de Servicios
Fogata permitida
Barbacoa permitida

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