per night
Estimated price based on 1 car and 2 persons with a tent, camper or caravan.

Campsite opened from 01 January till 31 December
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Scott Reserve Campground

6057, High Wycombe
Western Australia, Australia

An attractive green camp by the upper Goulburn River (a rushing creek).
Well shaded by tall Mountain Ash and wattles, surrounded by steep slopes forested with Messmate. A couple of open, sunny sites. Some sites slope. Kookaburras, rosellas, finches common. Lyrebirds might be seen. Currently (Feb 2005) clean but maintenance lacking - uncut grass, garbage bins removed - fees are not being charged. Rated 3.8/5

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
From Jamieson: South 54k on the Mansfield-Woods Point Rd [C511] (42k gravel, trailers not recommended)(2kNW of Woods Point). Well signed.

Characteristics campsite


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