per night
Estimated price based on 1 car and 2 persons with a tent, camper or caravan.

Campsite opened from 01 January till 31 December
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BBQ allowed
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3 / 5 (1 vote )

OToole Flat Campground

3713, Eildon
Victoria, Australia

A very pleasant, quiet, green, remote bush camp on an extensive flat high in the Torbeck Range.
Grassed clearings in dense forest of Peppermint, Mountain Ash, Southern Blue Gum, Blackwood and wattles. Orchids. Kookaburras. 3 BBQs. Water in nearby bubbling creek. Our preferred bush camp in the Lake Eildon NP. Rated 4.4/5 No generators or chainsaws.

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
Situated in the ranges midway between Eildon and Jamison. Access from Eildon: South 2k on the Goulburn Valley Hwy [B340], left (south east) 20k up the Eildon-Jamison Rd, left (north) 0.7k on Pinnacle Track (gravel, narrow, level)(WP39 sign). Short tracks on the left and right 200m before O'Toole Cr bridge (track then becomes 4 wheel).

Characteristics campsite

Horse riding


Campfire allowed
BBQ allowed

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