If you are lucky enough to own (or even luckier - to live in) an RV, and then are willing to one-up that luck by attending Balloon Fiesta, go ahead and do yourself an even solider solid and stay at one of the RV lots at Fiesta. We stayed at the South lot in a 'regular' ($35) space for several days during the 2015 Fiesta. All parking in this (and all lots) is done 'rally' style by volunteers who you will meet at check-in. This means that you are parked in the order you come - next to the people who roll in before and after you - in a 'pull through' fashion. There are some areas reserved for clubs who are parking together (i.e. Xscapers, Monaco, Airstream), but other than that, if you want to be parked next to a special someone, you best stage somewhere and roll into the lot before or behind them. This lot is gravel, and is ~3/4mile of a walk from the Balloon Fiesta field. You'll need that walk to burn through the breakfast burritos you will make the choice to eat daily. And, if you decide not to eat those breakfast burritos (SHAME), or maybe are building up your fat stores for winter (NO SHAME), there are Fiesta Official guys & gals driving golf carts between the Fiesta field and the South Lot all day giving folks free lifts back and forth in their rad little caddies. The South Lot itself is typical, packed in rally style parking. Sardine can at its best. It can get a little dusty, although the Fiesta folks do water the lanes. It can be a bit loud - you're allowed to run your generator during they day (but not at night) and you are near a main road. And also, its Fiesta. But, the sudden influx of generator and traffic noise in the morning will only serve to wake you from your slumber so that you can make it to the Fiesta field in time to catch a balloon glow. (Thanks smelly generators!) The two REALLY awesome parts of staying on site at Balloon Fiesta are (A.) not missing a glow or launch because you are stuck in your car in traffic along with the entire rest of Albuquerque since you will be awoken from your slumber by generators at your RV lot in time to walk to the field and (B.) you can see the balloons from your rig AND they often land near or in the South RV Lot. So, if you are too lazy to make the walk to the field every morning, you can just plop your butt in front of your dash, next to your rig, or on your roof and get all the balloon action you could desire (minus the breakfast burritos). In summary, this lot is the furthest 'official Fiesta lot' from the Fiesta itself, but touts the perks of being substantially cheaper than the other 3 lots, and based on our experience there, has a better chance of balloons landing in the lot. There are spaces with water and 30A electric hook-ups available in this lot, but they are towards the rear of the lot - and are $75/night. But, if you desire em, they're there. P.S. - Make your reservations EARLY. As in, reservations for all lots open 9 days after the commencement of each years Fiesta, and fill-up quickly for the next year's Fiesta. There are some walk-in sites available also, and when we were at Fiesta in 2015 it seemed that people were successful in obtaining some of these. There is a 3 night minimum stay - which can be spread across several lots or within the same lot - so if you want less than 3 nights (and don't want to pay for the space when you won't be using it) it is suggested you try a walk-up site. And just one more time for good measure: Fiesta. (Fiesta)
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