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Campingplads åbnet fra 01 January til 31 December
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Jokers Flat Campground

3701, Mitta Mitta
Victoria, Australien

Open, shady and easily accessible campsite on the edge of the Big River.
The river flows reasonably well along this stretch and has been known to offer up the odd trout. It is a beautiful stretch of river, traveling over some small gravel racers and wider, slow moving sections. Well worth throwing the kayak on the roof when you are heading down this way. Thanks to Peter for the following updates There are 2 pit toilets, 7 dispersed, cleared sites each with BBQ, most secluded from Omeo Hwy. Rated 4.36
This campsite is in Alpine National Park A stunning alpine national park made up of grassy plains and impressive escarpments and mountains. More Information...

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Just off the Omeo Highway (Eastern side) about 37km North of Omeo or 19km south of Sunnyside, Victoria

Karakteristiske campingpladser

Svøm i naturligt vand


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