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Campingplads åbnet fra 01 January til 31 December
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Bentley Plain Campground

Victoria, Australien

A beautiful, peaceful sub-alpine camp overlooking a small, marshy snow plain (spring wildflowers), backed by forested ridge tops.
Set in a forest reserve at 1,080m. Rated 4.3/5. Magpies, rosellas, wombats and wallabies are common. A 30min trail leads through a stand of tall white trunked Mountain Gum and ferns. A 2.3k (1hr) circuit leads through Mountain Gum and the snow plain. There are 3 sites: 1. North of the small creek is large Moscow Villa Hut (with beds) [My Own Summer Cottage Officially Welcomes Visitors Inside: Light Lunches Available], BBQ, table and pit toilet with one level grassed site, well shaded by Mountain Gum and one pine. South of the creek are two sites. 2. On the left is a small picnic ground, level, grassed, with 2 BBQs and tables, shaded by small Snow Gums, space for 2. 3. On the right is a small camp ground, fenced (cattle?), level (mown), with 3 BBQs and benches, a large shelter, a small hut and pit toilet, all adequately shaded by tall Snow Gums, Candlebark and Mountain Gum.

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Access off the Great Alpine Rd [B500] 9k north of Swifts Creek (17k south of Omeo); North-east 4.5k up the Bindi Rd, south-east 20.7k up the Nunniong Rd (soon becomes gravel) to 0.4k past the ridge top Escarpment Track (Mt Nugong lookout), take the right fork (east then south) 3.6k down the Bentley Plain Rd. The alternative access from Ensay via the Little River Rd is wider but has some very steep sections, 10k sealed, 17.5k gravel. Beware of log trucks - check DSE Swifts Creek (03) 5159 4344

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